Lige for tiden søger jeg nye handicaphjælpere. Dette kan til tider ende i sjove situationer. Jeg modtog en ulovlig henvendelse fra et firma med noget hjælperadministration. Da den samtale er endt i, at jeg blandt andet er blevet anklaget for ikke er handicappet føler jeg at humoren i de dumme svar jeg har fået er så stor, at den er offentligheden værdig.
Continue reading "Når spam er sjovt"
Finally I got the settings right, so my CustomerCare project can be previewed and tested online. The system is purely in Danish, and it requires a rather high resolution (1024×768 is too small), since it is only used on big monitors.
Continue reading "CustormerCare preview online"
Disclaimer: I do not sympathise with the journalist nor Bertel Haarder, I just got this idea to a database version of the famous clip.
Disclaimer nr 2.: A few of the statements are invented for the sake of getting more of the details into this.
Continue reading "A little SQL joke over Bertel Haarder"
I have been working on a new customer system for MarkOn A/S, while I was on my internship there. Even though it has technically ended, I am still finishing up some last details (I hate to leave a job half done).
Continue reading "CustomerCare: my project at MarkOn A/S"