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CustomerCare: my project at MarkOn A/S

I have been working on a new customer system for MarkOn A/S, while I was on my internship there. Even though it has technically ended, I am still finishing up some last details (I hate to leave a job half done).

The work I need to do before I can put it on the shelf if basically ending the open tasks. First off there is some details with Google Maps on the system and also a bit with some currently lost details. After that it is just documenting the parts that lack documentation and some last refactoring.

I have to admit I find it a bit sad having to close up the project. I see a lot of potential in it. Although I will still be doing bugfixes (I actually doubt it would actually be needed, but you can never be sure :) ). Therefore the project has officially been put on hold. Hopefully someone will want to employ me to continue development. Until then I will just have to be sad about leaving it there.

Good new is (yay! I love good news 😀 ) that now I can start on some private projects. One for maintaining my employed helpers and hopefully getting some demos of projects I have done online.


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