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A little SQL joke over Bertel Haarder

Disclaimer: I do not sympathise with the journalist nor Bertel Haarder, I just got this idea to a database version of the famous clip.

Disclaimer nr 2.: A few of the statements are invented for the sake of getting more of the details into this.

// A dark and stormy night, before the famous interview the journalist talks to the spindoctor. The spindoctor afterwards triest to do use replication with our famous Bertel Haarder.

INSERT INTO haarders_spindoktor (interview_question) VALUES (‘arbejdsgruppe’);

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 Synchronizing with bertel_haarder

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: SYNC 1840 processing

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: syncing set 1 with 3 table(s) from provider 1

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 ssy_action_list length: 0

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: current local log_status is 0

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1_1: current remote log_status = 0

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 0.001 seconds delay for first row

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: 0.003 seconds until close cursor

2010-12-17 18:41:11 CEST DEBUG2 remoteHelperThread_1_1: ERROR: Memory exhausted in AllocSetAlloc()

// Replication failed between spindoctor and bertel_haarder

// And now for the fun, the interview

$ psql interview

SELECT work_group FROM bertel_haarder;

ERROR: column “work_group” does not exist

LINE 1: SELECT work_group FROM bertel_haarder;

// bertel_haarder: I do not know anything about that work group

pgsql error : Backend start-up failed :

FATAL : Sorry, too many clients already.

// bertel_haarder: I am tired

logger: DEBUG: SendSharedInvalidMessage: bertel_haarder buffer overflow

// bertel_haarder: I can not contain more in my head

SELECT * FROM bertel_haarder;

// journalist: it is ok to ask

ERROR: permission denied for relation bertel_haarder

// bertel_haarder: no you it is not

server closed the connection unexpectedly

// bertel_haarder: lets say thank you for today

server reopened the connection unexpectedly

// bertel_haarder: then let us for fucks sake do it one more time


// bertel_haarder: I will make sure not to help you another time

SELECT information FROM bertel_haarder;

ERROR: column “information” does not exist

LINE 1: SELECT information FROM bertel_haarder;

// bertel_haarder: I do not know shit about those things

*clicks menu then quit*

// bertel_haarder: We have finished now

“Are you sure you want to quit?”

// journalist: If you do not want to do this any more I guess we are finished.


// bertel_haarder: It is you who rules

ALTER TABLE bertel_haarder RENAME TO jacob_the_shoemaker

// bertel_haarder: I am Jacob the shoemaker

ALTER USER journalist TO king_salomon

// jacob_the_shoemaker: you are king salomon


// jacob_the_shoemaker: ask!


// jacob_the_shoemaker: ask for fucks sake!

DROP USER king_salomon;

// jacob_the_shoemaker: you shall fucking never ask for selections again

interview=>connect spindoctor

// jacob_the_shoemaker: call my spindocter and ask her

INSERT INTO answering_machine (message) values (‘database conflict with bertel_haarder please connect to bertel_haarder asap’);

Jacob the shoemaker: I am going to file a bug report on you.


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Warning: Use of undefined constant CHARSET_NATIVE - assumed 'CHARSET_NATIVE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/home/rohdef/www/ on line 179