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Independent PulseAudio library

I decided going for an independent Python library for PulseAudio. Long story made short: there’s simply too many things I disagree with in the ones I found and I can’t seem to find any official or official-like libraries.

Currently the library is close to useless due to it’s very early stage. Well of course, I’ve only worked with it for a few days, and had to understand the parts of the API that I used plus understanding the basics of Python ctypes.

In the following days (when I have the time) there will be a huge focus on getting the basic information from the PulseAudio server. So the Client-part of the library can be used for displaying information. After that I will most likely prioritize implementing some way to handle events, so the library actually benefits from using the asynchronous API.

Hopefully, it won’t take me too long, to expand the project enough to make the library useful for some people. The sooner the better. Also you are welcome to take a look at the code on github:


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