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Back to university

Study toolsI decided that I want to get back to the university and finish what I started back in 2005. What is done is done and I can’t change the fact that I used to have really bad study habits. But what I can do is to improve the subjects I need to get back to the university (requirements have changed) and not only pass, but pass with good grades.

My current goal is to pass the current subjects with at least a 10, and then apply for getting back and finishing.  When I get back to the university I currently don’t know what goals I will set apart from:

  • No re-examinations

  • No just scraping through

This will require a lot of hard work for me, and has also lead me to a really hard decision. I’ll stop all activities in unions and associations apart from working voluntarily on concerts. And even that I might have to cut down on. But the decision stands firm: I will pass everything and I will not pass by just scraping through!


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