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Away for so long

First off apologies for being away for so long, but I’ve had a lot of things to attend to. But to the more fun thing:

Since last I’ve gotten a temporary employment. In this I’m working on a project where I’m improving the communication between the payment office and people who employ handicap helpers. The basic idea of the project is that it creates PDF files with the forms that needs to be filled out, automatizing as much as possible and improving error control.

In this project I’ve created a few custom GXT widgets and types for the purpose. Been experimenting with Mavin (on time I got to start using build tools). Making LDAP-requests from Java and encrypting mails sendt with Java.

Also I’ve been working on learning Python a bit better. Playing a bit with both PyQt4 and PyGame. And also did a few experiments with Python 3.

Apart from that I’ve been at Roskilde Festival and Grøn Koncert, where I enjoyed being working with Det Grønne Crew once more. :) I hope to introduce more frequent updates soon.


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