New blog software

Finally pulled myself together and replaced the old blog software with a blog software with proper ProstgreSQL. For the case there's any broken posts, please visit the original blog and report the error in the comments, so it can be fixed. The old blog will not be maintained any further.

Authentication with Jersey 2

Chain and lock
Image courtesy of Gualberto107 at

When creating various web services such as a REST service authentication tends to become relevant sooner or later. In some cases you want to integrate into existing services such as Google+ using OAuth in other cases – like here – you would rather have your own security schemes.

In searching for ways to do this I ran into a lot of older articles, which although being useful, often provided slightly outdated information or only half examples. This aims to provide a fully working basic example, with a complete source code for assistance. Basic example here means just enough to prove and show the concepts and enough to be used as a start for more advanced code.

Continue reading "Authentication with Jersey 2"

Raspbery Pi B+ IDE cable connection

GPIO extension board

GPIO extension board

Wanting to play with electronic circuits an Raspberry PI seemed like a good choice to by. And of course you get the most powerful version (B+), an breadboard and a GPIO connector plug for it. Awesome you’re good to go… or are you? The setup bought was almost the one on the picture to the right. With one tiny exception, the newest version of Raspberry Pi has 40 pins whereas the older versions has only 26, and of course  the plug does not fit. Good new is the first 26 pins are the same on the B+ as it’s predecessor, so home made solutions is an option :)

Continue reading "Raspbery Pi B+ IDE cable connection"

Pysmell revived

Logo for pysmell

Logo by Teresa Breinholdt

I finally started to do some work on the Python code tool pysmell. The current status is that almost all tests pass with the compliant ast module over the deprecated compiler.[ref] Only part that still needs work is the parts that ask for details at a line-number to get the current context.

Hopefully this tool will come to a lot of use for people writing plugins for code completion and other tools making use of the current context. Also the new parser will hopefully be easy to port for Python 3 (haven’t checked yet), which would give a clear and precise tool to use for future Python development too.

Currently the project  is getting closer to what is intended of improvements, and hopefully I’ll call it ready for an release of some kind. Next steps is to pass the missing tests and then a major cleanup of the new “coderfinder” (which still contains legacy code).