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Asterisk2Go launched

Asterisk2Go is a new VirtualBox application, to provide an good start to setting up the Asterisk telephone server. First release can be downloaded here:

Asterisk can be used almost any phone setup you could wish for, from the simple system with a small internal ip phone net within your home, to a company setup with call groups, queues with music, and menus operated by phone keys.

The project is inspired by AsteriskNOW, which is a Linux-distro for Asterisk based on CentOS 5. Asterisk2Go is intended to handle the same basic function, but with an improved setup:

  • Asterisk 1.8

  • Asterisk GUI latest svn

  • Virtual machine for improved server use

  • Fast and easy setup

  • KDE4 for administration

  • Deb packages (in my experience RPM causes too much trouble)

For usage you just need to download the VirtualBox application and import it into VirtualBox, then run it.


Operating system

  • User: asterisk2go

  • Password: Obel1x

  • User: root

  • Password: Obel1x

Asterisk GUI

  • User: asterisk

  • Password: Obel1x

Hope you enjoy. Feel free to ask if you need some help :)


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